2017-2018 学年第二学期英语第三类作业背诵篇目

发布日期:2018/03/19 09:31:40  来源:西安音乐学院附属中等音乐学校 点击:[0]



Unit 5 

P 29 

Section A 2b Para 2 & 3 

Unit 6 

P 35 

Section A 2b Para 2 

Unit 7 

P 41 

Section A 2b Para 2 

Unit 8 

P 47 

Section A 2b Para 2 & 3 

Unit 9 

P 53 

Section A 2b 

Unit 10 

P 59 

Section A 2b Para 2 & 3 

Unit 11 

P 65 

Section A 2b Para 1 

Unit 12 

P 71 

Section A 2b Para 3 


Unit 1 

P 5 

Section A 2b Para 2 

Unit 2 

P 13 

Section A 2b Para 4 & 5 

Unit 3 

P 21 

Section A 2b Para 3 








Unit 1 


Section A, 3a,Para.2 

Unit 7 


Section A, 3a, Para.3 

Unit 2 


Section A, 3a, Para.3 


Section B, 3a, Para.4 

Unit 3 


Section B, 3a, Para.2 

Unit 8 


Section B, 2b, Para.2 

Unit 4 


Section A, 3a, Para.2 

Unit 9 


Section A, 3a, Para1 

Unit 5 


Section A, 3a,Para 4 


Section B, 2b, Para.3 

Unit 6 


Section A, 3a, Para.2 

Unit 10 


Section A, 3a,Para1 


Unit 9 

P 67 

Section A 3aPara 3 

Unit 10 

P 75 

Section A 3aPara 1 

Unit 11 

P 83 

Section A 3aPara 1 & 2 

Unit 12 

P 91 

Section A 3aPara 2 

Unit 13 

P 99 

Section A 3aPara 2 

Unit 14 

P 110 

Section B 2bPara 3 



Online Shopping

Nowadays, shopping through the Internet hasbeen becoming increasingly popular among senior high school students and theyprefer to buy almost everything online. There is no doubt that the prices areusually lower and students can have fun and enjoy its convenience.  

Online shopping, however, cansometimes bring headaches to students. For one thing, the quality of the goodsmay not be as good as described. For another, it is very hard for buyers tochange those goods bought online, with which they are not satisfied. 

Personally, I strongly hold theview that rules should be made to supervise Internet shop owners. If so, Ibelieve safe and pleasant online shopping is just waiting for us. 



Dear Mayor,

I’ve just learnt the news onlineabout killing tigers and I am so angry. I think tigers must be protected well, orthey will die out. It is time to take actions to protect them from beingkilled. 

It is said that the population oftigers is getting smaller and smaller. I think there are two main reasons forthis. The first reason is that some people kill tigers for their skins to earnmoney. The other reason is that too many trees have been cut down, which hasdestroyed the places where tigers used to live. 

I hope that the government shouldpass laws to protect tigers and punish the tiger hunters. 

We shouldwork together to make a pleasant home for both human beings and animals. 


Li Hua 


Music is mainly divided into fourparts: classical, pop, rock and roll and jazz. If you have insomnia, you canlisten to Beethoven’s Moonlight; if you feel lonely, you can listen to Johann’ sThe Blue Danube. 

Music is a way of relaxing as wellas a way of communication. The communication ability of music is stronger thanany language. You may not understand foreigners, but if you play a well-knownmusic, you will become good friends. 

Music can teach something that youcannot find in books. We may not gain all the knowledge, but we cannot be anidiot on music. 


Should students make friends online? Somepeople say yes. The Internet helps make many friends. Chatting on line, studentscan express their feelings and opinions, and even get help with their foreignlanguage studies. 

Others, however, think students should not. Theysay making friends on line is a waste of time, which should be spent moremeaningfully on study. Besides, some students were cheated on line. 

It is my opinion that students should placetheir study, health and safety before other things. As for friendship, we canfind it in our classmates and other people around us. 


Dear editor,

Now, more and more students are getting fondof the western fast food, and thus they take in too much sugar and fat. I don’tthink it good for their health. 

There are all kinds of foods in the world. Whichone is healthier, the Chinese food or the western fast food? Different peoplehave different choices. 

In my opinion, the Chinese food is healthier.Firstly, the Chinese food contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables. It isrich in fiber and low in sugar and fat. Secondly, the Chinese food is verydelicious and has many dishes. It is nice to taste. I think it is thehealthiest in the world. So many Chinese people can keep fit and have whiteteeth. 

Yours sincerely, 

Li Hua 


Dear teachers and friends,

I’d like to say something beforeTracygoes back toEngland.Tracyis such a kind and friendly girl that we all feel happy to be her friends. Shegets along well with everyone and all of us have a wonderful time with her. Weremember she didn’t hesitate to help us whenever we had trouble in learningEnglish. It is due to her help that every one of us has made great progress. Therefore,we are grateful toTracyfrom the bottom of our heart. 

True friendship never ends, so I hope we cankeep in touch withTracy. Wealso hope thatTracycancome back toChinaand staywith us in the near future. 

That’s all. Thank you! 


A Ten-Minute Break

As students of senior high school, we have tostudy from early morning till late evening. With great pressure, many of usgrasp every minute to study, even a ten-minute break. 

Therefore to take a ten-minute break betweenclasses is important and necessary. Otherwise, we may feel both physically andmentally tired. 

Duringthe ten-minute break we should do something to get rid of tiredness. What weneed is to have a real rest instead of getting more tired. 

Myten-minute break is always pleasing. I usually do some simple exercises, suchas a free chat or a walk with my classmates. When the new class begins, I feelfresh again. 


Dear Snow,

I’m Zhang Fan, chairman of the Student Union. It’s great to learn that you arecoming to teach in our school next semester. 

I was asked to write to you, recommending LiHua, a senior two student, aged 17,to be your assistant. He is a diligentstudent, who can use the computer skillfully and has a gift for communicatingwith others. What’s more, he is expert at spoken English and always ready tohelp others in need. I am confident that he can be helpful in your work andlife inChina. If you haveany questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me. 

Looking forward to your coming soon. 

Yours sincerely, 

Zhang Fan 


1. An AmateurJournalist


Jane is ahousewife, butdelightedto work as anamateurjournalist.It is adilemmafor her torush between family and work, and it is alsounusualfor the NewsDepartmenttodepend onan amateur tocovercrimes. But Jane isreallygifted. It isadmirablethat she is seldomaccusedofmaking mistakes. And,eagerto become moreprofessional,sheconcentratesonher job andupdates herself now and then.

Once she isinformed of a newcase,her normal workingprocessisas follows: first, she makesappointmentswithguiltypeople forinterviews.So as toacquireaccuratestories, she usuallydemandsto record what they say.Meanwhile,atechnicallygoodcolleaguewillassisther in takingphotographs. Second, sheassesses whether they aredeliberatelyhiding the truth.If she isskepticalabouttheir words, she will look into the case herself. Third, she writesthoroughstories ahead of thedeadlineandsubmits it to theseniorchiefeditor,whopolishes andapproves everysection. Finally, her storieswill bepublished indifferenteditions of theirmagazine.



2. FirstAid


A boyfellill. Hisorgans weredamaged by theradiationofan infraredraystove.But before theambulancearrived,a number ofotherinjurieshappened to thisunlucky boyover and over again.First, he waschoked by somepoisonousliquidfrom thekettleon thecupboard. Then hiswristskinwas burnt byelectricshock. Finally,hisanklewas cut by apan.

Fortunately, the boy’s nurse gave himpropertemporarytreatmentsaccording to hiscomplexsymptoms.Shemildlysqueezedthe poisonous liquid out of histhroatand putbandagesfirmlyin placetoapplypressureto the ankle wound to stopbleeding. As for the burn, she usedscissorsto remove hissleeve,poured abasinof cold water over the burn to cool it andput her hands onadampblouseto cover hisswollentissuetightly.She also inspired hisbraverytofight against theunbearablepain. Herfirst aidmade avital differencein saving his life. Aceremonywas held to honour the nurse who overcame avarietyofbarriers to save the boy.





3. AbstractArt


Abstractart used to becontroversial. On one hand, the artists stopped paintingdelicatefigures butattemptedtoadoptspecialtechniques to give peopledifferentvisualimpacts.On the other hand, their works,includingsculpturescarved out ofmarbleorfragileclay,were all with aspecificaimof showing feelings. Someconventionalscholars who wereallergic toabstract art said itwasevidentlyridiculousand neither art norgeometry. Their Traditional ArtCommitteepredicted its soon disappearing.

But nowadays, abstract art has become partof thepermanentpossessionsofcontemporarycivilization.Galleriesalong the MadisonAvenuegive scores ofsuperbexhibitions ontypicalabstract works,appealingtomany who have apreferencefor abstract art. TheShadowofEgypt, acaféin thisdistrict,has become the home to thoseaggressiveabstract artists.Consequently,it is not acoincidenceforyou to meet one of these artists of greatreputationin the flesh. They are askedforsignatures and givenbunches offragrantflowers plus they are givena great dealof praise by theirfaithfulfans.






4. ARussian Poem


Since childhood, Anton had often recitedpoems, accompanied bypianistsandviolinists, at weddingceremonies beforebrides andbridegroomsexchanged rings. Gradually, he found writing poems the mostappropriateway toconveyhis joy andsorrow. When his poemContradictoryBlankwon him a nationalchampionshipand ascholarshipto the MoscowUniversity from asponsor, hewas just an unknownlibrarian.After getting hisdiploma, hedevoted his life to writing poems. Usingconcretebutflexiblelanguage and theminimumof words is hisstyle. Hetried outdifferentpatterns and preferrednurseryrhymeinparticular. The following is atranslationof one of his worksmade up of3 sections:

Littlesparrowwith heavyload,Ran out ofenergy and very cold;Nocompassand all sweatsalty, Can you go through theendlessdarkness?

Little balloonlet outby the thread, Flew overcottages and was very glad; Withwarmthtransformed from sunlight, He said he couldforeverfly;

Takeit easy, littleballoon; Don’tteasethesparrow with his wound; On thebarebranchand have a rest; Thisdiamondheart willeventuallyget success.






5. Let’sHelp Adolescents


Whether they aremaleorfemale,adolescentsfeel likedeciding oneverything themselvesin spite ofparents’ instruction, especially when they faceproblems likesex,mental stress,etc., which make them feelashamedandembarrassed. Thus they oftenautomaticallygetintotroublesdue totheir imperfectcomprehensionandjudgement. Someare addicted tocigarettes, onlyseveralpackets of which willhurt theirlungs and makethembreathlessquickly.Others can’tquitdrinkingalcohol, whose harmfuleffects include causing youngpregnantwomen toabortor give birth toabnormalbabies. The worst isdrugabuse, for thewithdrawalistoughonce their bodiesare accustomed tothe drugs.Meanwhile, those who shareneedlesbought fromillegalchemists are at greatriskof being infected withdesperateAIDS. If so, neitherinjecting nor takingpills can guarantee theirsurvival.

However, don’t bedisappointedat or haveprejudiceagainst our children so easily. After all, beingawkwardis anappendixof youth. As long as westrengthencommunication with them instead of onlybanningthis or banning that, we will surely help them avoid anythingunfit.




6. RefreshOur Environment


As the directorstatedon behalfofhis researching group, thedataof thisgraphmakes a clearpresentationof the futureenvironmentaltendency. On one hand, thequantityoffuelkeepsondecreasing by 9%peryear while thegrowthof a widerangeofpollutionhas been a globaltrend. On the other hand, themildly butsteadilygoingupof theaveragetemperature isresultingincatastrophes likewidespreadfloods. Withoutdisagreement, theysubscribeto the view that it ishumans’existenceand theirrandomlyconsumingenergy that result in thisphenomenon.

Many people have acommitmentthat developingnuclearpower or energy fromouterspace will stop badconsequencescomingabout. However, scientists andeducatorsare opposed tothis vieweven ifour needs may be meton the whole. Theytend toadvocaterefreshingourcircumstances by savingenergy and recycling waste. It is suggested that we use energy-savingappliances such aselectrical motors,microwavesand so onand not becasualabout little things like recycling acan.So pleaseglancearound andsee what you can do.So long aseverybody makescontribution,we will not have toput up withthis problem anymore.





7. A Volcano Eruption


As the bestcandidate, I wasappointedto collect andevaluateinformation for adatabaseaboutdiversenaturaldisasters, such ashurricanes,typhoons orthunderstorms. Sometimes I didthis by giving outquestionnairesto those who went through them. But sometimes I had to go throughactualdisasters myself. TheMusakiVolcanowas one ofthem.

At that time, I lived in abungalowalongsidethe volcano with anovelist, who came for theappreciationof itseruption.One day, when I was drawingdiagramson thebalconyand he wasbathinginside, the volcanoerupted unexpectedly. Theashand lavafountainsshooting highly in the skyvaried from50to100 meters in height. It wasabsolutelyfantastic! I even noticed arainbowappear in thefogcaused by aheatwave.

But, glancing through our surroundings, Iforesaw thepotentialdangerand found noguaranteeof oursafety. Theuncomfortablegasalmost made usunconscious.Sweatsofanxietybegan to drop. Managing to stoppanicking andtrembling,we quickly put on our protectivesuits,helmets andboots and eventuallymade our way toa safe place.How lucky we were even though mypreciousequipmentanddocuments were allburnt to the ground!




